📲 Join the publicly accessible online summit ‘Toward Data-Driven Health: Sharing is Caring’!
🎥 Livestream in Latvian ➡️ https://bit.ly/3fwuxC3
❓ Ask questions to the speakers: http://menti.com with the code 5035232
🔎 More about the agenda and speakers ➡️ www.healthdatasummitriga.eu
▪️ Organizers: Ministry of Health of Latvia (Veselības ministrija), National Health Service (Nacionālais veselības dienests), AmCham Latvia
▪️ Co-hosts: Novartis and Roche
▪️ Partners: Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia (Ziemeļvalstu Ministru padomes birojs Latvijā) and Microsoft.
▪️ Supporters: AbbVie, Johnson & Johnson and TVNETPosted by Health Data Summit Riga on Wednesday, November 25, 2020